The assemblage point is one of the most fascinating aspects of every human being. We all have one.
It is called the Assemblage Point because we are assembled in the womb from the umbilical cord that connects us to the placenta of our mother. This major supply of energy enters the developing fetus via the navel aperture. At the moment of birth, the Assemblage Point is positioned at the navel aperture but, with our first breaths of air, it moves upwards into the chest area.
It affects everything about us – our appearance, our intelligence, our mood, our health, our way of experiencing the world, our response to ourselves, the environment, our interaction and relationships with others, our achievements, our beliefs and spirituality, our decisions. Yet most of us have never heard of the assemblage point and are unaware that we have one or, in some cases, more than one.
Over one hundred years ago science demonstrated that surrounding every proton is a cloud of electrons. This means that everything in the material universe, including the human body, is electrical energy. It is a scientific fact that energy systems are assembled from an epicentre.
Those practitioners working with the assemblage point consider that, if it is not in its correct position in the centre of the chest, a displaced assemblage point is responsible for – or an indication of – the majority of physical and psychological disease. For example, chronic fatigue syndrome, clinical depression, postnatal depression and myalgic encephalomyelitis are all conditions where the patient’s assemblage point has dropped down to the liver area. (As most energy medicine practitioners realise, it is the liver that provides us with energy. If it is under-active, we feel exhausted and, conversely, if it is overactive, we feel stressed and may experience insomnia.) Adjusting the assemblage point location back to its original position can dramatically improve the patient’s health.
The position of the assemblage point, the epicentre of energy within the human energy field, is central to our psychological as well as physical existence and determines our physical health and state of mind. Its location also influences the state of other energy vortices within the body, the chakras, and the state of the glands and organs they are associated with, and the immune system, the posture and even the complexion. Once a patient has had their assemblage point shifted, they often leave our treatment room with eyes shining brightly, a healthy complexion and often more upright and taller as their posture improves. Often their change of attitude is also immediate, although this can take longer for some than others. The great majority will be aware of a greater calmness, sense of purpose, restoration of their sense of individual worth and appreciation of life and others. Even if the assemblage point is only fractionally out of position, or has started to grow rather loose (this phenomenon will be explained later in this book) the patient still gains greater vitality and peace of mind, plus an enhanced ability to ward off psychological and physical ailments. There is never a time when an assemblage point centring is not greatly advantageous for the patient. What many therapies take months to achieve, the return of the assemblage point to its correct location at the centre of the chest, near the thymus, can produce in minutes.
Why Assemblage Points May Shift
At the time of birth, the Assemblage Point is positioned at the navel area. Our Assemblage Point location fixes in a healthy, stationary, near- central position at around the age of seven if we are brought up in a stable home environment and positively identify with good mother and father figures. The Assemblage Point location for the physically and mentally healthy adult is close to the thymus gland in the centre of the chest. In someone who is suffering from mental or physical symptoms or disease, the Assemblage Point will be found in a different location. As we approach our time of death, our Assemblage Point moves down towards the navel.
Something as simple as gradually increasing stress, a change in their relationship with a significant person or people in their life, a job change, an apparently slight accident, an illness which saps strength, even as trivial as a severe influenza or glandular fever, exposure to pollution, etc. – any of these things may shift the assemblage point from centre, either instantly, as in a road accident which jolts the energy field and causes shock to the whole system, or gradually, as in continual stress or a prolonged illness. We may notice the change in them either suddenly or perhaps over a period of time but cannot ignore the difference. There may be obvious mood or behavioural changes or more subtle physical changes, such as their complexion deteriorating, the eyes lacking lustre, the posture becoming less upright and confident or the hair or figure becoming less impressive. The person might start saying that they are “no longer themselves” or that they cannot do everything they used to, or feel as happy as they did.
We may notice all of these things about ourselves too, either suddenly due to a traumatic event, illness, accident or gradually over a period of time. We notice that we no longer cope with life’s challenges or everyday events as we once did and we sometimes look back to a time when we felt more “ourselves” than we do now. We are aware of somehow changing but often cannot explain why or even how we differ from the person we used to feel we were.
We might know what happened to us: a shock, a bereavement, a fall or motor accident, for example. But we cannot understand why we feel so different, why things we once enjoyed now seem unsatisfying, why we cannot perform physically or mentally in the way we once did, why life has somehow changed for us because we seem so different. Sometimes we call this state by a term such as “mid-life crisis”, “the blues”, “being run down”, “feeling in need of change”. We may embark on a course of therapy of various kinds, such as counselling, drugs to change mood, help sleep or address whatever symptoms have appeared as a result of the change we feel has taken place. However, usually we are still aware of the fundamental change in who we are, how we experience the world, how things appear to happen to us, how we seem to, and interact with, others.
Our assemblage point has moved. And, once it has, it is difficult for it to return to its previous place without being properly manipulated back to the centre of the chest. We call this an assemblage point shift.

What Happens When The Assemblage Point Shifts

Extreme locations to the right side of the chest with an acute angle are associated with extrovert psychotic behaviour such as violence, bullying, rape, stalking, murder, terrorism or fanaticism.
Extreme locations to the left side of the chest are associated with introvert psychotic behaviour such as hallucinations, autism and downs syndrome.
High locations are accompanied by symptoms of hyperactivity, anxiety, panic, insomnia and so on, along with hyper liver/adrenal activity. Attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD) in children is now very common and is an example of this.
Low locations are accompanied with hypoactivity, the depressive illness spectrum and hypo liver/adrenal/thyroid activity.
The bipolar disorder spectrum or manic depression is accompanied by an oscillating Assemblage Point location which switches between a high manic location to a low depressive position on the right side of the chest.
With the autistic spectrum the Assemblage Point will almost certainly be found on the left.
With the schizophrenic spectrum there may be several Assemblage Point locations, as often happens with the epilepsy spectrum.
The Assemblage Point has a critical relationship with our embryonic life force. A good stable physical location near the centre of the chest is essential for good mental and physical health.
The location for an average healthy woman is slightly higher than that of an average healthy man.
If, for whatever reason, the Assemblage Point shifts outside the average location, distressing physical and mental symptoms can and do frequently occur. For example, following a traumatic incident, should the Assemblage Point drop down into the liver area, then the liver will become disturbed and will not function correctly. We will feel tired, lacking energy and the body will not respond to our mental commands. This can cause clinical depression, postnatal depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. Further, the liver’s blood supply is by way of the spleen via the portal circulation, and should the spleen’s blood pathways become constricted or congested, perhaps because of a previous chronic infection, then the liver will not function as it should and the Assemblage Point will drop downwards.
Concerning high blood pressure: the liver demands blood and if the spleen is congested or diseased then to satisfy its needs, the liver may change the blood’s chemistry in order to raise the heart rate and force more blood through the spleen.
On the other hand, should the Assemblage Point shift to the right and upper part of the chest the person will be feeling anxious and nervous and experience disturbed sleep. Here the liver and adrenals will be overactive. Manic depression is a bipolar condition where the Assemblage Point oscillates between a high location in the manic phase and a low liver location in the depressive phase.
The Assemblage Point is the unknown factor that is absent in all current medical, psychological, scientific, philosophical and spiritual models.
The public’s criticism of current medicines, therapies and treatment procedures can be addressed by the application of Assemblage Point diagnosis and correction procedures, especially if combined with good medical and psychological diagnostic and management procedures.
Hunger, thirst, shock, trauma, drugs, alcohol, accidents, violence, intimidation can and do cause the Assemblage Point to drop to a dangerously low location. If the Assemblage Point location is not corrected soon after the incident that was responsible for it to drop, then the victim’s haematology and biochemistry can change to levels outside the normal range of that of a healthy person. This may create the conditions for serious physical and mental disease to take hold such as cancer and leukaemia. When these serious diseases occur, the Assemblage Point location becomes even further depressed towards the critical line at the umbilical region. Ironically the drugs and therapies used in treatments for these diseases often depress the patient’s Assemblage Point location even further down towards the critical line. Death results when the Assemblage Point crosses the umbilical region. In the case of comatose patients on life support systems, regardless of any electroencephalogram tests, the patient will not be brain-dead until their Assemblage Point has traversed the umbilical region. It is advisable to take into consideration the location of the victim’s Assemblage Point as soon as possible after the incident that caused it to drop.
With all serious diseases in their chronic phase, the patient’s Assemblage Point will be found in a low location perhaps as much as 20 centimetres or more below that of a healthy person. Likewise, for those patients that have a serious physical or mental disease it is imperative for their recovery to adjust the location of their Assemblage Point back up to a location of that of a normal healthy person. This simple action will greatly help the patient’s restoration of normal haematology and biochemistry levels that are essential for good health. Not only are the Assemblage Point diagnostics and correction principals applicable to mental and physical disease but, for a normal healthy person, regular correction to the central location can dramatically improve mental and physical efficiency. This helps to produce stable and efficient functioning of the liver, spleen and other organs and glands and produces a stable state of well being that is most beneficial.
For optimum health and vitality, energies in the left and right sides of the brain should be equal and the Electromagnetic Field equally distributed about the body’s central meridian line. The ideal location for the Assemblage Point is the central position, shown in figure 1.1. In this position balanced biological energy flows around the central nervous system and the many organs and glands function in harmony. This ideal alignment is rare. With most people the Assemblage Point will be found entering on the right side of the chest’s central meridian line; this is due to the excessive left brain activity resulting in physical and mental activity, which is demanded by today’s stressful life style. Drugs, toxins, illness, accidents and emotional trauma are the most common causes of misalignment. Once misalignment has occurred, if not impossible, it is very difficult, to re-establish the original position by one’s own efforts or by orthodox medical therapies.